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Valiant Admin Leader

​Von Angelo Lat was born and raised in the Philippines. He migrated in Canada in 2020 together with his family of 3 - his wife and 2 kids. He is fondly called Von by most people close and acquainted to him.

He has been in the corporate world for 17 years now and his career highlight was when he got promoted as a Process Analyst and having people which he mentors. These also molded and honed him as an individual which he knows, allowed him to have confidence and esteem toward himself. Personally, he can say that he like himself because he can do things which his mind tells him he cannot. They say that experience is the best teacher and he believes in this saying since he makes it a point to always look for something to learn and ponder in every situation he experienced.

Von can deal and go along with different types of people. Mastering this style happened through time. He says that having these personality, he can be a father figure when it comes to the office since he can be patient to wait for you to learn and once you did something wrong, he won’t get mad but he will also be patient to explain what happened. He will let you realize for yourself what you learned about what happened and he will not spoon-feed you.


Most of his previous colleagues said that he is easy to get-along with. Maybe this is the reason why he can manage to work with them. He can say that they have been a good acquaintances and even good friends with him up to this moment.

It is really overwhelming hearing positive feedback from those people you worked with even though he is not working with them anymore. They regarded him as the mediator because he can patch things up between two persons whenever they have a conflict.

All this that he is practicing right now are product of how he was treated by his friends and family. Being understanding and patient with people and time. He knows each employee has his own personality towards work and personal life. It is important that you have this foundation in order for you to have a solid base of who you really are and who you want to be.

The confidence and esteem he got from my years of existence helped him keep his composure. Having people believe in him is the greatest thing that boosts up his trust in himself.

Being self-aware means knowing how to think and act towards a situation and how to present yourself to others. Self- awareness helps you to be you in front of others and taking into consideration on how they will feel towards your presence. This helps you perform your job when you feel comfortable being with other colleagues knowing that they believe in you.

He had built confidence through time. It is not a one-night process. It is a fruit of hard-work and self-love. Believe in yourself first before others will believe in you. Move forward with your plan for yourself and stick with it just like what Jim Rohn said “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

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I am Von Angelo Lat, the Valiant Admin Leader.

How can I help you?

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